Erick WON and pulled the black marble! He won and generously added over 374.00 in winnings directly into the hat for the Special Olympics.  Tamara suggested volunteer donations. The El Cajon Rotarians responded with 889.00 in contributions for the Special Olympics!  Thank you Rotary Family.
During our previous meeting...
Susan celebrated 38 years of wedded bliss with a generous donation to the Rotary general fund.  Erick (27), Tamara(27), and Elmer also celebrated their anniversaries with generous donations.  Happy fives began with Jim for his handsome picture in the paper with his cowboy hat.  Steve chimed in with a donation since he did not have to wear a hat.  Ellie was thankful for her and Ginger's participation in the citizens patrol.  Cathy gave a Happy Five as well.  Tamara announced the Special Olympics,  Sean was happy that his cousin had returned from deployment.  Alison was was instrumental with reminding us of the Special Olympics and reminded us to keep Andy in our hearts and passed a card around along with the hat.  Josh was happy that the Pregnancy Care Clinic golf tournament went well. 
Dep Tuany provided us with a riveting presentation.  He spoke of the need for clean drinking water in Africa.  The El Cajon Rotary club is working on a similar project.  Captain Terry Masango has been working to get the grants and the matching funds.  Terry has also been working to get a club in Africa to help with the El Cajon Rotary project.  Dep was a member of another Rotary club and has already built some wells in Africa.  He told us a story of how he lost he child due to poor water quality.  He has made this his life's work.  The El Cajon club members provided generous donations toward his efforts.
As a reminder, Cheryl M has graciously taking the ROTARYOWL along with her on her travels.  Please follow the owl on Intstagram and see where she is heading next.  Wherever the RotaryOwl goes she spreads the word of Rotary!  #ELCAJONROTARY #ROTARYOWL. 
Contact Erick for meeting times on the Gala. Please remember to bring a guest to the next meeting!  Thank you to all guest whom attended last week.  We will see you all at the next meeting!