Previous Meeting
Posted by Mr. Humbert Cabrera
on Apr 11, 2015
What a packed filled meeting!
We had some great stories and "happy fives" from Carol, Ramona, Erick (10.00), Josh, and Cheryl. Daniel announced his new baby.
Our happy five numbers are way up! Please keep up the good work. Alison provided an update on the Morning Glory Brunch Event.
Please click on these links to see pictures of the event.
Ginger collected the final prescription glasses for delivery.
Jacks and Cathy had their birthdays. Erick reminded us to bring items in for the Gala on June 27th. Our guest Speaker was Tony Zambelli who spoke about the unification of goals with between Rotary and the Elks. Mr Zambelli reminded us of the importance of "Under GOD" in our pledge. He was thankful and hopes to work together in future projects. He has also promised to publish our Rotary Gala at the Elks facilities. This weeks speaker is Kathleen Hedberg from the Water authority For Future events and speakers, please click on this link.
There was no winner of the marbles.