Previous Meeting
Posted by Mr. Humbert Cabrera
on May 16, 2015
Everyone can win! Just a reminder that there is a one in three chance to win the marbles! 1/2 goes to Rotary and 1/4 goes to the winner and 1/4 goes into the raffle. Please remind yourself to bring money to get into the winnings.
Thanks to your participation, the spirit of "service above self" is alive and well in East County and abroad.
Our Rotarians at Work day and 1000 smiles trip to Mexico were a success. And our local event at Stu's home succeeded in building 10 benches for various causes.
During our previous meeting...
We gave a resounding thank you for the Peace Officers for their unwavering efforts. The El Cajon Police held their annual award ceremony and we are all thankful for them. Shirley started with a generous donation and was thankful to be back. Tim gave a happy five thanking Ellie for getting the awards to the students and was thankful that we treated his guest well last week. Please remember to bring a guest this week. Monica reminded us of America On Main Street on Saturday the 16th, rain or shine. Cathy was happy that Carol had returned. Alison paid a happy five for St Madeline Sophie's field of dreams. Shirley was back from Alaska. Welcome back Shirley! Paul (From the Lion's Club) was very gracious and reminded us of the Casino Night for the Lions. Together we are stronger and can do more good for the community. (please see the event calendar for more information). He and his wife will be in attendance at our Rotary Gala along with the former Elks Club representative. Roger H gave five for his granddaughters graduation. Josh reminded us of the Golf Tournament for the Pregnancy Care Clinic.
Michael Harris from the Building Industry Association provided us with an amazing and factual look at the building industry and the effects that it has on everyone of us in San Diego. The presentation can be found on our Website. I hope we can have him back soon as these are real issues that make or break jobs and communities.
As a reminder, Cheryl M has graciously taking the ROTARYOWL along with her on her travels. Please follow the owl on Intstagram and see where she is heading next. Wherever the RotaryOwl goes she spreads the word of Rotary! #ELCAJONROTARY #ROTARYOWL. Currently the El Cajon Rotary Owl is visiting Mt Rushmore.
Erick reminded us to bring items in for the Gala on June 27th.
Thank you to our guests who came for a visit. Please remember to bring a guest to the next meeting. Our membership is increasing every month, thanks to all your efforts. See you all of you in our Rotary Family!